Essential Question:

How do I make choices about what's on my plate?

How much importance is placed on advertising to influence our various choices?

1.Overall advertising revenues(U.S) for 2005 totalled $12.5 billion which shows just how much importance and reliance major companies place on advertising and influence

2.In 2006, the amount of money spent on advertising was upped 10% to $140 billion dollars in the United States alone.

3. In 2007, spending on advertising was estimated at more than $150 billion in the United States and $385 bullion worldwide which shows a steady increase in the amount of money spent on advertising over the years.

4. 72% of advertisers renew their ads monthly because of successful or bad results.

5. A company recently conducted a survey and found that place mat advertising yeilds many more results than newspaper, radio, tv and even billboard advertising put together; and costs only about 1/10 of the price.

6. In the 1960's, average advertisements ran for about 1 minute whereas currently the average ad runs for 15-30 seconds

all these facts and statistics show just how much large companies rely on influencing peoples decisions.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why do people eat fast food?

1. There has been extensive reporting of the effects that the fast-food culture is having on modern society. It is apparent that the current obesity epidemic, which is increasing in both the UK and US, has been fuelled by the convenience of food from outlets such as McDonalds. It is becoming less popular amongst more healthy persons to want to enjoy fast food with the controversial press and media focus on the side effects of the food this industry supply.

2.People eat fast food because it is quick and much easier than cooking. It is also really cheap and most people are too busy to run to the grocery stort and buy food , and then come home and unpack the groceries, and THEN cook the food. People don;t have that kind of they turn to McDonald's and KFC. This is one of the main reasons why over 30% of America is obese.

3.Fast foods are for people who are extremely busy and do not have the luxury of time to prepare their own meals. This foods are also easy to serve and good for people who are already famished.
4.Quick,easy to get to, yum,cheap,and the colours red and yellow make us hungry

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